We are Lumi Nore the Navigatrickster and Sverre the Sail whisperer, the most charming couple on earth. He is Norwegian, they are Danish, and this is our voyages and life onboard S/Y Selkie. We sail the oceans, cook up a storm, and try to live sustainably.

Sverre was born and raised in Norway, but spent a few years working in in Canada. He is a computer engineer, and started his first professional blog back in 1998, before things were even called a blog. He has since spent most of his career working as Head of eCommerce, marketing, SEO, CRO and such.
Passionate about food, beer, reading, paddling, hikes in the mountain and telemark skiing, there has always been boats in his life, and he was practically born with skis on his feet, and oars in his hands.
His grand dad built several boats, and his dad owns a few. Sverre and his little brother got a Mirror sailing dinghy when he was 10, he bought his first speed boat when he was 14, designed and built his first catamaran at 15, and it has gone downhill ever since; he is now a D5LA licensed skipper, the Norwegian equivalent to RYA Yachtmaster Ocean.
Lumi was born and raised in Denmark, but has spent some time studying in Australia. Lumi has a Masters degree in Media studies, is a certified Scrum master, and is working as a strategic service designer.
Though always active in outdoors activities, they didn’t get into boats until they met Sverre. But it was no going back then, and boats has been a central part of their life ever since. Lumi thrives in the waves – or preferably on top of them, although they sometimes tumbles out. Consequently, they spend as much time as possible in their surfski. Lumi has only their practical exam left (thanks to Covid) before they too are a D5LA licensed skipper.
We have spent since 2018 selling off our typical-middle-class excessive amount of unnecessary “stuff” (not done yet! 😮 ) as well and finalizing a 12 year grueling house reno, so we are on the last leg of transitioning to a permanent residency at sea. We hope to have our far too big house sold in the spring of 2023.
We’ve started this blog (currently rather Beta) where we’ll post about our cruising and adventures up along the magnificent Norwegian coast, life on board, sustainability, and lots of delicious recipes that you can make at home – or on your own boat, so follow us on Facebook to get the latest updates!