One of the best things about boiling instead of steaming pinnekjøtt is the incredible, smoky stock you’re left with. Here’s one of our staple zero waste dinners that’ll warm you through and make you smile!
This dish screams fusion, and is a wonderful mix between traditional Norwegian and Japanese cooking, and it works just brilliantly!
If you don’t feel like poaching the eggs, cook them for 7.5 minutes, then peel and cut in halves – or make onsen tamago eggs. If you don’t feel like making fresh noodles (please do!!), you can use some high quality whole grain spaghetti or ramen noodles.

- 1.5 liters stock from smoked pinnekjøtt *
- 1/2 dried red amando cayenne chili, deseeded, finely sliced
- 100 g black kale
- A few meaty mushrooms, for example any bolete or king oyster
- 8 eggs, divided use
- 200 g barley flour
- 200 g finely milled whole wheat flour
- Fine sea salt to taste
- Hazelnut oil (or beurre noisette or toasted sesame oil)
- Dried dulse flakes & finely chopped chives to finish
* Instead of smoked pinnekjøtt stock, you could make a good vegetable stock or brown chicken stock with a slice of bacon in it. Or use katsuobushi dashi for meatless option.
Make a pasta dough with 4 eggs and the two types of flour. Tip a bowl over the dough, and let bench rest for at least 30 minutes for the gluten to relax. Roll the pasta and make into spaghetti when ready to boil. Here’s how to make fresh pasta dough from scratch.
Bring the pinnekjøtt stock (or dashi) to a simmer, toss in the finely sliced chili, and keep warm.
Strip the leaves off the kale stalks. Discard the stalks and rip the leaves into bite size. Rinse thoroughly and shake dry. I like to use a salad spinner for this. Sear off the kale at high heat in a bit of neutral oil. When the kale is just wilted and starting to brown a bit, sprinkle with fine sea salt and set aside.
Fry the mushrooms, boil the pasta and poach the remaining 4 eggs.
Divide the noodles, then the kale and mushrooms between the four bowls. Ladle over the stock, add the poached egg, a drizzle hazelnut oil and a sprinkle dulse flakes and chives to finish.