Until I started baking myself, I was completely unaware that my favorite bread as a kid was indeed a rye bread. All I knew was that the deep flavors, the super soft interior, and that dark, crunchy crust was utterly irresistible to me.
Category: Cooking
Traditional Danish Fiskefrikadeller fish cakes with remoulade
Just like Norwegians, the Danes have long culinary traditions with fish. This is the Danish take on fish balls, or fish cakes. They’re called Fiskefrikadeller, and this is Lea’s family recipe.
Traditional Norwegian Komle (Kumla) potato dumplings from Ryfylke
Komle is one of the most iconic Norwegian dishes, and has many regional varieties and names. But in its essence, it’s still the same; a dumpling. And as we all know, a dumpling is the food of the Gods. Here’s how we make it!
Creamy roasted cauliflower soup with toasted hazelnuts
This is one of the most versatile soups that we make, and is a staple dinner for us. It is super easy and quick to make, is dirt cheap, and spiked with white beans, it is also very filling!
Authentic Norwegian Gul ertesuppe yellow pea soup recipe
This must be one of the oldest dishes I know of, and there’s a reason why this robust, warming and filling soup has been around for so long; it’s incredibly satisfying, easy to make, and dirt cheap.
Charred rutabaga soup with butter beans, kale and leek
What a better way to showcase our wonderful Norwegian winter vegetables than this warming, rustic soup? Deeply charred and seared means deeply satisfying, and packed with flavors!
Zero waste Vegan Promite stock
One of the things I found really challenges when introducing more and more vegetarian and vegan food to our diets was how the hell do I make a great, satisfying stock? Turns out it is FAR easier than a meat based!
Traditional Norwegian Rømmegrøt recipe. The REAL one.
I have never in my life seen so many misconceptions about a Norwegian dish as I have with Rømmegrøt. Some place in time, some place in North America, a seed was planted, and it developed to THE BIG NORTH AMERICAN LIE.
Traditional Danish Risalamande creamy rice pudding
I’ve always liked the Norwegian Riskrem, which basically means creamed rice. But when I met Lea, I was introduced to the – ahem – superior Danish Risalamande. Here’s how you make yours!
Crazy crispy traditional Norwegian “Ribbe” pork belly
Ribbe, or juleribbe is one of the most iconic dishes in the traditional Norwegian kitchen. Made from pork belly, the goal is the juiciest meat with the crispiest rind. This method is by far the easiest way of getting the most spectacularly crispy rind and mouth watering meat.
Classic Scandinavian Rødkål red cabbage with a twist
This recipe for rødkål is from my Danish mother in law. Of all the variations I’ve tried, I think this is the absolute best. And it’s super easy too!
Classic Danish Karrysild Curried pickled herring
It is debatable whether this is Danish or Norwegian. We could probably throw in the Swedes in the debate as well. The matter of fact is that us Scandinavians go nuts over this little fish. Here’s your chance to figure out why!